Wednesday 9 May 2012

So far...

2012 Dawn Service at Anzac Bay, Gallipoli on 25 April

Following the early morning Anzac service we headed onto the beach resort of  Selcuk where we based ourselves for visits to the historic sights of Troy and Ephesus.   

On our way to Oludinez we visited the brilliant white terraces of Pamukkale for a soak in the calcium rich waters and a wander around  the ruins of Heirapolis. 

Oludinez itself provided the adrenalin junkies amongst us the opportunity to try their hand at paragliding and quad biking and the rest the opportunity to swim and sunbathe and enjoy th nightlife in town. 

Then onto Olympos, our last beach resort until Vietnam, for a more laid back ‘hippyish’ couple of days where we stayed in tree houses and which saw the first milestone  birthday of the trip;  David’s 70th .  We celebrated in style with a ‘D’ themed fancy dress party and despite the lack of shopping opportunities to purchase props and costumes made some fantastic outfits!

We are now in beautiful Gorome in the heart of Cappadocia  and home to unusual rock formations and fairy chimneys, best viewed during an early morning hot air balloon ride. 

Tomorrow we head out towards Nemrut Dagi on our way through eastern turkey and onto Iran!

Until the next time!

1 comment:

  1. Caught me out as the ballooning photos added onto last blog entry under the 9th. Brilliant photos though and am following this one and of course Dan & Vicky's (son and daughter in law).
