Thursday 14 June 2012

So Far...

We crossed the border from Pakistan into India at Amritsar, where we watched the border closing ceremony between the two countries.  With many high kicks and fast marching, it could have been taken directly from a Monty Python sketch.  Pure theatre, and very entertaining!   Then onto Mrs Bandari’s Guest House for our first beers since Turkey – a nice way to celebrate our safe passage through Pakistan and to welcome back the 7 members of our group who flew across Pakistan into India. 

 After two days in Amritsar exploring the stunning Golden Temple, shopping malls and the campsite swimming pool, we headed up to Macleod Ganj, the home of the exiled Dalai Lama where we enjoyed a cooler mountain climate before moving onto India’s exciting capital where we are currently exploring Delhi Old and New.

Until the next time! ...

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