Tuesday 26 June 2012

3 nights in Delhi was chaotic yet fascinating and a great opportunity to explore the Red Fort, Humayun’s Tomb and several of the group took a 2 hour walk with former street kids from the Saalam Baalak trust which gave an illuminating insight into the darker aspects of city life. 

Continuing on to Jaipur the ‘Pink City’, we visited  the huge observatory, Amber Fort and of course more shopping!

Agra was our next stop for a dawn visit the stunning Taj Mahal built by Shah Jahan as a striking tribute to his wife. 

Then onto Varanasi, the sacred Hindu city on the river Ganges and at dawn a boat ride past the Ghats where Hindus ritually wash in the sacred river. 

A smooth border crossing from India and we are now in Nepal!  Until the next time ....

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