Tuesday 10 July 2012

A smooth border crossing from India and we entered Nepal!  An instant change in scenery; more greenery, less rubbish and fewer people was a welcome relief from the chaos of India.  Our first night was spent bushcamping in a beautiful forest location albeit in the rain most of the night with several of the group getting up to re-peg tents and put fly sheets on! 

The following day we arrived at Chitwan National Park which gave everyone an opportunity to explore their first Nepalese National Park, either elephant riding, elephant washing or jungle trekking.  A great time was had by all.  So good in fact that 4 of the group chose to spend additional time volunteering  in Chitwan. 

Onto Pokhara, the hub of all things ‘active’  This is the place to start most trekking options in Nepal,  kayaking and rafting to name but a few.  Then onto Kathmandu for the start of the 2 week break and a final farewell to the truck.  

Unfortunately the Chinese have decided to close the Nepal/Tibet border to British and other nationalities due to a recent visit by the Dalai Lama, so we have no choice but to fly to Beijing to continue the journey.   This is the nature of overlanding, but also part of the adventure.  So China here we come!! 

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